Thursday, September 1, 2011

oh, and...

HAPPY SEPTEMBER! autumn, my favorite season, is nigh. and virginia about to become gorgeous.
for those who don't know: virginia is magical.

also, september is notorious for being the month that my brother and boyfriend celebrate their birthdays.  (coincidence that they are both virgos?) random fact for septemberists out there: september's birthstone is the sapphire, not only the moniker for author, but it also represents clear thinking. most excellent.

so for now, i will listen to matt pond pa (personal choice for back-to-school autumn music) and read my books because:

currently reading...

since there are several books on rotation, i'll make a list. 
1. The Italian, Anne Radcliffe. lots of unrequited love and phantasmal hooded monks. 
2. Romanticism, Sharon Ruston. lots of european post-enlightenment drama. 
pink highlighting=learning.
3. The Octopus, Frank Norris. for reasons beyond my control (hurricanes and shitty amazon shipping), i was unable to even procure this book and start reading this until today, even though i should have been reading it for a while now. so far, all i can say is it not about cephalopods (even though they are fascinating and i'd LOVE to read a book about them). but there are lots of upset farmers and greedy railroad owners.